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Benita Abraham is proud of her recent job offer and wants everybody to know.

Abraham’s job offer posts are going viral after she shared a series of photos showcasing the announcement. She took shots parodying engagement and baby photos posting pictures like “I said yes,” with a framed copy of a job offer, she took a picture of “our love story” of how she met her new employer and said yes, and also asked the important question to a friend, if they’ll sit beside her in the HOV lane.

My favorite part of Abraham’s post is her on-point use of hashtags. #employed #myboo #loveatfirstinterview #LTR #careergrowth #perfectmatch #photoshoot #notjustforbabiesmarriagesandbirthdays #workin9to5

It’s refreshing to see someone take a different spin on the type of photos which usually clog up our Facebook feeds. Not that getting engaged or showing off your newborn isn’t a noteworthy feat, but it becomes so tiresome when it takes up 50% of your Facebook timeline. Abraham’s posts changed up the routine, while highlighting how ridiculous it is for some people to put so much effort into announcing news.

Congratulations to Abraham for getting the coveted job. May she find happiness in her new position, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do her part.


About Liam McGuire

Social +Staff writer for The Comeback & Awful Announcing. Liammcguirejournalism@gmail.com