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Bob Costas doesn't miss hosting Olympics, praises Mike Tirico

Summertime storms in the Midwest are no joke.

Growing up in Indiana, I grew accustomed to the hot, humid days ceding to storms in the evening, with rain, wind, lightning, thunder, hail, and even the occasional tornado.

But when those high winds and torrential rains hit an urban area, like, say, Chicago, there are more things to damage. Take a look at this video, shot by a passenger on a slowed expressway, as a train line (in Chicago, that’d be the L). It’s as close to literally shocking as these things can be:

As the tweet noted, that’s an L train shelter collapsing, as confirmed soon after:

Goodness, that’s violent. Thankfully there were no injuries. And, if you’re wondering about the safety of the woman who recorded it, don’t worry, she’s fine

Sometimes it pays to have your phone out at all times. As long as you’re not driving.

About Jay Rigdon

Jay is a columnist at Awful Announcing. He is not a strong swimmer. He is probably talking to a dog in a silly voice at this very moment.