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This has got to hurt.

Surfer Tom Dosland was surfing in Hawaii on Wednesday, when a giant wave wiped him out, resulting in a terrifying 40-foot fall.

In the video, Dosland seems to be picking up the wave just fine as it gets higher and higher, but he suddenly loses his footing and takes a huge plunge into the water. The video has since gone viral, with almost 250,000 hits since it went up three days ago.

Dosland described the incident to Surfer Magazine in horrifying fashion.

It looked like a sea monster rising out of the ocean when it came my way. But I was going. No matter what. So I flipped around and started paddling to get into it. You can’t really tell from the video, but there was some wind blowing spray up the face as I was about to drop in, which pretty much blinded me for a few seconds. I could only see out of one eye, and only partially. So I was pretty much just going off of feeling for that brief second before you drop in. Then, I was able to open up both my eyes, and I realized what was about to happen.


You’d think Dosland would be seriously hurt, but he walked away from the incident with a broken board and a stiff neck. He’s lucky he’s not dead. He says he laughed it off and was back surfing the next day – which is frankly amazing.

[For The Win]

About Liam McGuire

Social +Staff writer for The Comeback & Awful Announcing. Liammcguirejournalism@gmail.com