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Playing darts at a bar is always a fun way to pass the time. But of course, some guys had to go and take darts to a new extreme.

A group of guys under the YouTube name “Primal Precision” recently released a video showing off their dartboard, which has a diameter of more than 25 feet. The board features the same scoring system as a typical dartboard. But instead of using darts, this game uses javelins.

I’m going to say this right now. If you need this for entertainment, you need to take up a hobby. First off, who has all these javelins laying around? I’ve never heard of anyone just owning javelins. These guys must have a track and field history.

To go along with this, another question popped into my head: What is our obsession with dart games that can be potentially dangerous? Lawn darts is popular, but if you have the original version, you can puncture your own foot. I think I’ll just stick with the plastic darts and the smaller dartboard. I’ll also just stick to playing darts at my local establishment. But hey, if you want to check out javelin darts, look up these guys!

[Primal Precision on YouTube]

About Ryan Williamson

Ryan is a recent graduate of the University of Missouri and has recently returned to his Minnesota roots. He previously has worked for the Columbia Missourian, KFAN radio in Minneapolis and BringMeTheNews.com. Feel free to email me at rwilliamson29 AT Gmail dot com.