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The animals in Australia are more unique than any other part of the world. Maybe it’s because of its remote location but it seems like just about any animal in Australia is there to mess someone up.

That’s what this great white shark tried to do to a 73-year-old fisherman. The nine foot long shark leaping on the boat was probably a shock to Terry Selwood. As the shark got on the boat, it struck Selwood with its fin and was a strong enough whack to cause him to be treated for a “badly bruised and bleeding right arm.”

Selwood got into a section of the boat that the shark couldn’t get to and called for help. The Coast Guard came to rescue Selwood and were rather surprised when they came upon the shark.

“He said, ‘I’m injured, I’ve broken my arm, I’ve got lacerations and there’s a shark in my boat,'” Coast Guard skipper Bill Bates said.

“Often a fisherman will bring a small shark on board — maybe 2 or 3 feet (up to 1 meter) — and they’re still ferocious. That’s what I was expecting, but I was totally wrong,” he added.

Thankfully, Selwood’s arm wasn’t fractured and the shark didn’t destroy the boat. Selwood said that he needed to replace everything in the boat because the shark destroyed everything on the deck but the boat was still good.

The shark weighed an estimated 440 pounds and was probably launching out of the water at a pretty good speed. It’s a wonder the shark didn’t break Selwood’s arm or that the shark didn’t attack him even more.

[Yahoo/Photo: Lance Fountain/AP]

About Phillip Bupp

Producer/editor of the Awful Announcing Podcast and Short and to the Point. News editor for The Comeback and Awful Announcing. Highlight consultant for Major League Soccer as well as a freelance writer for hire. Opinions are my own but feel free to agree with them.

Follow me on Twitter and Instagram @phillipbupp