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One Florida man concocted an idiotic plan to tank Target’s stock: Set up explosives across several East Coast Target stores.

NBC News reports Mark Charles Barnett’s genius idea was to set off bombs (disguised as food items) at Target locations in New York, Virginia and Florida. How would he get the devices in all those stores? His plan was to offer someone (unidentified by police) $10,000, along with gloves, a mask and license-plate cover to execute his scheme.

Once those bombs went off, Barnett hoped Target’s stock would drop and he’d get the opportunity to pick up stock on the cheap. The illogical plan didn’t work, as Barnett was arrested before the plan was fully realized. Thankfully, the individual Barnett tasked with planting the bombs alerted police and turned in the devices.

Barnett was charged with “possession of a firearm affecting commerce by a previously convicted felon.”

The previously convicted felon’s rap sheet is extensive. He’s a registered sex offender who was on probation for multiple felony kidnapping, sexual battery and grand theft charges. Barnett’s choice of disguise for the bombs was reportedly containers of stuffing mix, breakfast bars, and pasta boxes.

Explosive experts determined Barnett’s homemade bombs “were capable of causing property damage, serious injury, or death.” It’s easy to poke fun at Barnett’s stupidity, but thankfully, he was caught and nobody was hurt.

Next time Barnett wants to play the stock market, it would probably be in his best interests to do so legally. He now faces a 10-year prison sentence. That’s more than enough time to reflect on being a complete dumbass.

[NBC News]

About Liam McGuire

Social +Staff writer for The Comeback & Awful Announcing. Liammcguirejournalism@gmail.com