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A Florida maid of honor really lived up to the Florida stereotype after a wedding reception really turned ugly and violent.

Amanda Willis, the maid of honor, very quickly got drunk and all hell broke loose. Wedding guests detailed what all Willis did and it was insane.

In somewhat chronological order, Willis did the following. As described by the bride, wedding guests and police.

– Drank an entire bottle of Fireball whiskey.

– After getting almost instantly drunk, started asking guests for their keys.

– Grabbed the keys out of the best man’s pocket and took his car, dragging the best man’s brother as he tried to stop the car himself.

– Chugged a bottle of Captain Morgan rum.

– Blindsided and punched a guest in the face and in immediate reaction, he punched her back.

– After saying she was suffering an asthma attack and exhibiting seizure like spasms, Willis exposed herself to police and assaulted two medics while kicking the bed pan as they were trying to help her.

Well, after all that, Willis was eventually charged with larceny, battery, grand theft and violating probation.

While it would be very easy to have a good laugh, it really isn’t. This was Willis’ ninth arrest and it’s clear this woman has a serious drinking and maybe even a psychological problem. We’ve all done some pretty stupid things while drunk but nobody in their right mind, even a drunk mind, is doing anything like this so it wouldn’t be an appropriate to laugh. Who knows if Willis will ever get help because she would have to want help but hopefully she eventually gets that before it’s too late.


About Phillip Bupp

Producer/editor of the Awful Announcing Podcast and Short and to the Point. News editor for The Comeback and Awful Announcing. Highlight consultant for Major League Soccer as well as a freelance writer for hire. Opinions are my own but feel free to agree with them.

Follow me on Twitter and Instagram @phillipbupp