When using Google, auto-complete often offers up interesting suggestions about what might end your question. Barstool Sports reported on these auto-completed questions through Google Trends to figure out which question is the most googled question in each state from 2004 to now, and they unearthed some gems.

My home state of New Jersey asked “Is Weed bad for you” more often than any other question in Google. The answer to that question, interested NJ observers is of course no, because how could weed do more damage to you than Chris Christie and Jersey Shore haven’t already done to our beloved state? Or, alternatively, at least the weed will mellow you out from the anger you no doubt feel knowing our state spawned those two demons from hell.

Interestingly, the most asked question from Hawaii is “what is the meaning of life”, which is fascinating considering those searchers live in Hawaii, so they’ve clearly cracked the meaning of life without needing to google it. That might be a more fitting question for Montana, which asked “How to move to Canada” or Kansas, which ponders “How do you make meth.”

Some other gems include Texas’ “where is the internet,” Kentucky’s “how to make a baby” and my personal favorite, New Mexico’s “how to be emo.” To answer the first question for you Texas, the internet is everywhere and nowhere at the same time, ever-present and yet invisible, constantly plaguing you but never visibly in front of you.

If you want to find out what each state likes to google the most, go here, and try not to annoy your co-workers by laughing at them if they’re from Arkansas, Nebraska, or basically any state in the Union.

[Barstool Sports]

About Matt Lichtenstadter

Recent Maryland graduate. I've written for many sites including World Soccer Talk, GianlucaDiMarzio.com, Testudo Times, Yahoo's Puck Daddy Blog and more. Houndstooth is still cool, at least to me. Follow me @MattsMusings1 on Twitter, e-mail me about life and potential jobs at matthewaaron9 at Yahoo dot com.