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Overwatch has introduced its first new character to their original launch roster.

Blizzard announced on Tuesday that they’ve added a new character named Ana to the insanely popular team-based first-person shooter.

Ana is a support character who uses a biotic rifle and grenades (the latter appears similar to McCree’s stun ability) to both heal teammates and injure enemies. She also has the ability to “Nano Boost” teammates, which increases their power (similar to Mercy’s ability). Ana presents an interesting counter to Widowmaker for players who want to play in a support role but want to do long-range sniping. Here’s footage of Ana in action:

Blizzard also released Anna’s origins in an animated video, showing her relationship with fellow characters:

What’s great about the short video is the added lore to the Overwatch world.

Ana was a former soldier who was on a roster which included Trojborn, Soldier 76, McCree and pre-death Reaper. Anna talks about her daughter Pharah, another playable character on the roster (Overwatch Facebook admins might have accidently revealed her dad). Her relationship to Overwatch was shattered when she hesitated on a mission to kill Widowmaker, which resulted in getting shot and thought to be killed. Ana jumps back into action later in life to help the Overwatch team and hopes Pharah understands her decision. The story needs to be one of Blizzard’s next animated shorts on the game.

Ana isn’t currently available as a player character (just on public test servers) but she’ll be hitting the main game soon. Given her versatility and abilities, I reckon’ she’s going to be hugely popular. Blizzard has created another unique, awesome character.

About Liam McGuire

Social +Staff writer for The Comeback & Awful Announcing. Liammcguirejournalism@gmail.com