Taco Bell is upping the ante when it comes to fast food tacos.

The company is launching a new menu item called the Triple Double Crunchwrap. Just listen to the beast as described by Business Insider.

“The new dish contains double layers of seasoned beef, nacho sauce, and tostada shell. In addition to the classic Triple Double Crunchwrap, the chain will also be selling a spicy version with fresh jalapeños and spicy ranch sauce.”

It’s a big boy. At $3.49 it won’t break your wallet (although it might bust your colon). It’s a monster of a Crunchwrap. The item should be highly popular as it’s exactly what people are looking for at Taco Bell – a greasy, meat-filled contraption with enough cheese, tomato, and lettuce to devour satisfyingly and then regret almost immediately.

Fast food these days is becoming more and more experimental. The Diamondbacks just introduced a 15-ingredient, two-pound sundae. Is that going to be good? Debatable. Is it a challenge to eat? Yep, and that’s the appeal.

In theory, this Crunchwrap should be delicious but let’s not forget it’s coming from Taco Bell – where their motto should be “the food is meh, but at least it’s cheap.” Will you be trying the Triple Double Crunchwrap?

[Image via Business Insider]

About Liam McGuire

Social +Staff writer for The Comeback & Awful Announcing. Liammcguirejournalism@gmail.com