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Burritos are awesome. Six-pound burritos are extreme.

In Los Angeles, a Filipino fusion food truck is cooking up the burrito to top all burritos. White Rabbit takes pride in constructing their signature burrito for giants by using six eggs, six tortillas, six slices of cheese, and a not-so-healthy portion of rice and meat. It then gets wrapped up and is ready to fill your appetite for the rest of the day, or perhaps for the entire weekend. Finishing this massive burrito in one sitting is nearly impossible and certainly not recommended for those without the mental and physical ability to eat so much in one meal.

But that won’t stop some from trying!

Watch as foodies try to conquer the enormous six-pound burrito, and watch as one guy shakes his head as he appears to give in to the challenge.

It does look delicious, and I would be all about giving it a try. And as much as I may love it, I think I’d prefer to have a smaller version on the go. But if you have a hankering for a six-pound burrito, look for the White Rabbit food truck in Los Angeles and see how much of it you can eat before you have to throw in the napkin in defeat.

About Kevin McGuire

Contributor to Athlon Sports and The Comeback. Previously contributed to NBCSports.com. Host of the Locked On Nittany Lions Podcast. FWAA member and Philadelphia-area resident.