Source: Minnesota State Fair
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The Minnesota State Fair announced all of their crazy foods for this year’s fair on Tuesday, in what has become a tradition for state fairs trying to out-crazy each other.

Overall, the fair did a good job coming up with insane choices. Unfortunately, they also accidentally made an anti-Semitic joke.

As you might expect, naming a sandwich with traditional Jewish food after an insulting Jewish stereotype was not received well. The Minnesota State Fair quickly changed the name and apologized.

A good reminder for state fairs: Make your food crazy, but at least think about the optics.

About Kevin Trahan

Kevin mostly covers college football and college basketball, with an emphasis on NCAA issues and other legal issues in sports. He is also an incoming law student. He's written for SB Nation, USA Today, VICE Sports, The Guardian and The Wall Street Journal, among others. He is a graduate of Northwestern University.

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