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Have you ever gone to Taco Bell, spent $30 dollars on a bag full of regret and instantly hated yourself for spending so much on the Mexican treat? Well, look away.

According to Grub Street, a Mexican chef has created a single taco worth $25,000. Yes, you read that right.

The dish features gold-infused corn tortillas, Kobe beef, caviar, and gold flakes sprinkled on top. Simply put, the taco is elegant. But, it’s not selling.

To get your mouth around the taco, a $12,5000 deposit at the creators Cabo San Lucas luxury hotel (in the presidential suite) is required. It only gets ridiculous from there:

After they’ve put down a $12,500 deposit, Licerio will present them with their singular taco, either inside a ring of motorcycles in the middle of the desert, or during a marriage proposal — their choice. He suggests pairing the bite with a $150,000 bottle of Pasión Azteca, which is, predictably, the world’s most expensive tequila maker.

To me, it appears like a great way of conning rich people into paying exorbitant prices for something entirely silly and temporary. For 25 grand, you can buy more than 21,000 $1.19 crunchy or soft tacos at Taco Bell. What would you rather have? One amazing taco, or 21,000 mediocre ones? The latter is the obvious choice.

Time will tell whether someone actually ponies up the money to indulge in the golden taco. It might not be a great investment, but claiming you’ve eaten (and pooped out?) the world’s most expensive taco is a feat that shouldn’t go unnoticed.

I’ll even throw in some free marketing advice: Pay Michael Phelps or Usain Bolt, two of the most decorated Olympic athletes ever, some cash to eat the taco. Gold eating gold will help sell. Trust me.

[New York Post]

About Liam McGuire

Social +Staff writer for The Comeback & Awful Announcing. Liammcguirejournalism@gmail.com

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