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Because sometimes you want to feel a bit more civilized while dining on your Big Mac, McDonald’s restaurants in France are now giving you a fork and knife with your meal.

To be more accurate, the fork and knife come with your meal if you purchase one of the chain’s special gourmet burgers. McDonald’s France rolled out the silverware plan to 1,400 locations throughout the country after a successful test run at 10 chains to gauge the reaction and feedback.

“For several months now, we have seen a reorganization of the burger market, a multiplication of offers, among others this offer of gourmet burger, so as a pioneer and leader, it was essential to position ourselves,” explained Xavier Royaux, vice president of marketing for McDonald’s France. The fast food group said in a statement that “for the first time, customers will enjoy their Signature burger, with a fork and a knife, unheard of at McDonald’s.”


McDonald’s has always had silverware for some menu items, like salad, ice cream and breakfast items that don’t come slapped between two slices of an English muffin or pancakes. But a burger? That’s a new one. Although it may not be that unordinary for some to eat their fast food with a fork and a knife. (You’re probably not eating a quality — or gourmet — hamburger in your car, as you might a Big Mac or Quarter Pounder.)

If this fad catches on, we could all be eating some of our favorite foods in a different way soon enough. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have the sudden craving for a Royale With Cheese. I’ll bring my own fork and knife.

[The Local]

About Kevin McGuire

Contributor to Athlon Sports and The Comeback. Previously contributed to NBCSports.com. Host of the Locked On Nittany Lions Podcast. FWAA member and Philadelphia-area resident.