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We all have our guilty pleasures, but it turns out some have guiltier pleasures than the rest of us. How else can one describe a taco from Jack in the Box than by saying it is a guilty pleasure? There are a ton of people with that guilty pleasure, and some are not so shy about defending it.

The Wall Street Journal reported that Americans buy 554 million tacos from Jack in the Box every year. That’s a lot of crappy tacos. But Jack in the Box taco loyalists are like those McDonald’s fans who go out of their way for a McRib, and they are proud of the fact they have consumed so many tacos. I’m on the east coast so I can only get my taco fix at Taco Bell. This actually makes this number even more amazing, since Jack in the Box isn’t available everywhere in the country. It is only available in 21 states, and it is slowly making its way my way.

“I remember pulling it out of the sleeve, and even though I was drunk I was like, ‘I shouldn’t eat this.’ But damn it was good,” one consumer told the WSJ. “I’ve been addicted to them ever since.”

That makes some sense. Who hasn’t had a late night craving for some cheap greasy food when on a late night bender? The two go together like peanut butter and jelly, right? I’d love to see a breakdown of when those tacos are being sold.

[Wall Street Journal/Photo: Jack in the Box]

About Kevin McGuire

Contributor to Athlon Sports and The Comeback. Previously contributed to NBCSports.com. Host of the Locked On Nittany Lions Podcast. FWAA member and Philadelphia-area resident.