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When someone you’re close to wants a hamburger, you should probably help them get said hamburger. That’s exactly what a little boy in Ohio did for his sister this past Sunday.

In Columbiana County, Ohio an 8-year-old boy decided to take his younger 4-year-old sister for a stroll to the local McDonald’s because the sister wanted a hamburger. To get there, the brother and sister didn’t ride a tandem bicycle or walk holding each other’s hand.

Instead, the 8-year-old boy drove his 4-year-old sister in a car.

According to FOX 8 News in Ohio, East Palestine police officer Jacob Koehler said the incident happened Sunday night after the father of the two kids went to bed early. The mom was watching the two when she subsequently fell asleep.

At that point, all bets were off.

Witnesses called police when they saw the boy driving his father’s van. He drove about a mile away from their house with his sister in the back seat. Impressively enough, he drove through 4 intersections, over a railroad track, made a couple right turns, and a left turn. Oh and he also obeyed all traffic laws and speed limits, witnesses told police.

When a family friend of the brother and sister saw the two at McDonald’s. they notified the grandparents of the two kids. Before police could arrive and stop the boy from driving his sister back, the two did manage to buy and chow down on some cheeseburgers.

How did the boy learn how to drive? YouTube.

Nobody was thankfully hurt and the case is currently under investigation. And a brother and sister are closer than ever after a frightening incident like that.

[FOX 8]

About David Lauterbach

David is a writer for The Comeback. He enjoyed two Men's Basketball Final Four trips for Syracuse before graduating in 2016. If The Office or Game of Thrones is on TV, David will be watching.